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Serving the Community's Greatest Need Since 1950

Sponsors | volunteer | donate

Sponsors and Affiliates

There are many businesses and organizations who contribute their time, resources and finances to support our fundraising efforts throughout the year. The Kinsmen Club of Coaldale is very grateful for each and every one of these groups. Visit their websites by clicking on their logo.


Do you want to get involved but don’t have time to commit to joining the Kinsmen? We can always use extra hands during our events.

Volunteering is a great way to engage with the community, gain experience, meet people and make a positive impact. Our annual Carnage in Coaldale event could not be possible without support from volunteers like yourself.

accepting donations

  • Did you want to contribute to the Kinsmen?
  • Your donation will be put put towards community
    enhancement projects and help other groups to
    reach their community investment goals.
  • Every dollar you donate can by multiplied by the
    grant we apply for.
  • Larger donations will bump you to sponsorship status.

mail to

The Kinsmen Club of Coaldale
Box 761
Coaldale, AB T1M 1M7